Tuesday 16 April 2013

Freezing cold day on Loch Sunart

Our first trip in Loch Sunart was a good opportunity to test out the pogies! We started just west of Glendale in a tiny inlet called Port Na Croisg and paddled out to the north side of Oronsay, then did a quick circumnavigation of Carna.

We enjoyed a pleasant but freezing lunch stop at Doirlinn, it gave me a good opportunity to try out my ridiculously bright prototype Lowe Alpine primoloft belay jacket, I've discovered a hood is a winter must!

After seeing some porpoises, which was a treat, we headed into the narrow gap on the west side of Carna. It was a spring tide and the streams around made it quite interesting, with the wind against the tide..

After Carna, we headed back to Glenborrowdale and followed the coast back to the van.

It's well worth a trip if you're passing, we saw four porpoises during the day and had some great views.


It's a great quiet paddle in a remote feeling loch. It could be a good option if there's a swell running out at sea or you're looking an easy day.

Additional information

The tides don’t appear to be particularly strong in this area, however please check before setting off!
It's a relatively sheltered loch, although on the day we were there an easterly wind funnelled down it and cause quite a bit of chop.
Wild life
We saw four proposes and a few seals.
Parking and access is limited because the road narrow and rarely goes close to the loch.


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