Friday 9 August 2013

Sea kayak circumnavigation of Islay and Jura - Day 2, Inverlussa to AmFraocj Eilean Pier

This is the third post describing my sea kayak trip around the islands of Islay and Jura.

Day 2 - Inverlussa to Am Fraocj Eilean Pier - 34.5km

Unfortunately we woke to a dull sky's and a damp feel to the day. We quickly packed up, picked a few more ticks off and got going.

As we paddled further south down the coast of Jura it became more rugged and interesting. Eventually the sky cleared giving us a good view of the Paps of Jura. The coastal terrain is relatively low level with woodland and moorland going straight down to the waters edge. There's plenty of wildlife to see, we saw otters and if you're lucky you might see Sea Eagles.

It was feeling like quite a long day, the damp weather coupled with quite a big mileage, so we were keen to stop before crossing the Sound of Islay. We'd planned to camp at the beach below Jura Ho, but being so close to the house we decided to paddle on for a few more kilometres. Eventually we reached the Am Fraocj Eilean Pier which surprisingly proved to be a good spot stop, plenty of flat camping ground and also a handy abandoned boat to get away from the ticks.

 The perfect place for dinner!


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