Friday 16 August 2013

Islay and Jura - Kilchiaran Bay to An Sailean on Jura - Day 6

Islay and Jura Kilchiaran Bay to An Sailean on Jura  Day 6  47km

This is the fourth post describing my sea kayak trip around the islands of Islay and Jura, it covers to Kilchiaran Bay to An Sailean on Jura.

This felt like a long day, we'd planned to get further than Kilchiaran Bay the day before so we had some good mileage to make up. We calculated that we needed to be at the Gulf of Corryveckan by 1pm the following day, so we at very least we needed to camp on the south west corner of Jura. Thankfully the wind had dropped as predicted so we'd have an easier day.

This section of coastline is really stunning and littered with narrow inlets, islands and rocky coves. Unfortunately the swell was still quite big so we didn't manage to get as close to the cliffs as we'd like to have.

As we passed the point of an Clachan the swell really dropped off and we had a pleasant smooth ride up to Ardnave point.Ardnave point is really interesting and if you've time it's definitely worth exploring. There's some fantastic views and golden sandy beaches.

Watch out for reefs and breaking waves

 Ardnave Point

 Rhuvaal Lighthouse
 Rhuvaal Lighthouse

We stopped at Bagh an da Dhoruis before recrossing the Sound of Islay. By this time we were ready to stop for the night but we had a schedule to keep, to we set out across the Sound of Islay. Crossing the Sound of Islay is relatively straight forward and only 5km across, but because it was already 5pm when we set out we headed straight for Rubh an t-Salilein, which is more direct but extends this to 10km. The Sound of Islay turned out to be a passage used by substantial sized shipping and we ended up having a relatively close encounter with a cargo vessel. In view of this I'd recommend using the shorter crossing .

We paddled into An Sailean to look for a camping spot and found the Ruantallain Bothy. On closer inspection we decided the tent would be a more pleasant option and camped near the beach.

Beach at Rubh an t-Salilein
Rubh an t-Salilein
 Camping at Rubh an t-Salilein


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