Thursday 4 July 2013

Penrhyn Mawr, The Stacks and Carmel Head - Anglesey

Last Saturday we decided to kayak from Porth Dafarch to Cemeas on Anglesey, linking up two classic trips, Holyhead Stacks and Carmel Head into one long day out.

They're both two well documented trips, so for this post I just wanted to do a nice video rather than a full write up. Unfortunately a delayed start, dodgy weather and the GoPro running out of battery at North Stack, has meant it's not as good as I'd hoped. Anyway, here's the video of Penrhyn Mawr and the Stacks and also few pics of Carmel Head (some are from a previous trip). I hope it inspires a few of you to have a go!

Red and Yellow wall

Gogarth Bay, looking up at Wen Slab. It's rare not to see any climbers on Dream of White Horses, a right to left traverse of the main face.

Gogarth Bay, kayakers in Parliament Cave

Crossing Holyhead bay

Skerries tidal race from the headland (yes the tide is in the wrong direction!)


A big day out with strong tidal races and exposed headlands.

Additional information

Four strong tidal races so requires good planning and weather conditions. Wind against a spring tide can make Penryn Mawl and North Stack races monstrous.
Exposed to swell from West and South West.
Requires two vehicles or a 28km bike ride.
Other options
If the swell and conditions are too big, the Meni Straights are entertaining. Alternatively East Face of Trifan is sheltered from strong westerly winds and has excellent easy climbs and scrambles.


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